What To Do When Your Toddler Rejects Table Food

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Wouldn’t it be nice if babies came with an instruction manual? For my son especially, the “What to Feed Me” chapter would be well dog-eared. Getting him to eat has always been a challenge, often times leaving me wondering if he was getting enough or even too much. These concerns plagued me even as we transitioned from infant foods to solids. He’s rejected the majority of table foods offered to him at the same time he’s outgrown his desire to eat strained infant foods. 

Despite hearing time and again that children will meet their milestones at their own pace it’s still easy to find ourselves fretting when their development doesn’t fall within the recommended guidelines. The good news is there are things we can do to help them along!

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What To Do When Your Toddler Rejects Table Food

Continue Introducing New Foods

It can be discouraging when your baby refuses to eat your homemade mashed potatoes for the third time. However, it’s important to continue introducing foods. It may take more than a few tries to get our children to eat a new food.

Set Good Examples

It’s never too early to start setting the example. If your child is introduced a majority of healthy foods, and sees you consuming a balanced diet, they will be more likely to develop taste preference that lean toward a healthy diet. Likewise, if they’re introduced to sugary snacks they will develop an appreciation for them. I like to keep healthy snacks on hand so that whenever Oliver is hungry, I have something within reach. Parent’s Choice offers convenient fruit and vegetable puree pouches for on the go snacking.

Don’t Get Caught Up In The Guidelines

It’s important to remember that feeding guidelines are just that, guidelines. Your child alone will do an excellent job of letting you know when they’re hungry. If they’re anything like mine they will also do an excellent job of letting you know when they’re full. Oliver prefers to ninja chop at his serving spoon. How much, or little, your child eats is going to vary from feeding to feeding. So don’t expect the same results every time.

Supplement When Necessary

As Oliver weaned himself from infant formula and purees he continued to reject table food leaving us in a conundrum. We decided to look into Toddler Transition formulas. Designed for infants 9 – 18 months of age, transition formulas are useful in helping little bodies get all of the nutrients they need for healthy development.  In addition to infant formulas, baby and toddler foods, Parents Choice also offers transition formula that is nutritionally comparable to more expensive national brand infant formulas, including Enfamil®, Similac®, and Gerber®. Not only is it comparable to national brands, it’s also compliant with FDA nutritional standards and the recommendations of the AAP – the American Academy of Pediatrics.

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Exclusive to Walmart since 1998, Parent’s Choice® Infant Formula has been a leading choice for feeding babies with millions of parents across the United States. Parent’s Choice® baby and toddler products are available exclusively at Walmart. In addition to saving up to $600 a year over alternative formulas.

Sponsored post by Mirum Shopper. All opinions are my own.

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