Make Life an Adventure: Travel and Let Life In!

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There is nothing quite like the thrill of traveling. To venture to a new world without knowing what you will see, who you will meet, or where the road will take you, it is a strange blend of delightful butterflies and heart racing nervousness.

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Last year my husband and I did something pretty crazy. We sold our house and quit our jobs to pick up and travel. It wasn’t a decision made out of haste, but a very planned out adventure that we decided to take after a rough few years that involved my husband being ill then recovering from an accident. For three months we traveled the country and just lived. We drove wherever the road took us and camped out at night. Long nights were spent star gazing and talking about the sights we had seen that day. We visited National Parks and went on hikes. There was cliff diving and campfires. It was just us and the road.


SAMSUNGHowever, getting to that point was anything but easy. It was terrifying to completely leave our lives behind for what many told us was a stupid idea. Not many were supportive, and I wasn’t a hundred percent sure that I wanted to go through with it. Now, being on the other side of the journey, so much has changed for the better and I know the adventure was well worth it. I have learned so much about myself, my marriage, and what I want out of this life. I learned to slow down and live in the moment. We don’t have a lot of time on this Earth, but we forget that when we seem to live in endless days of work, traffic, and chores.

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31 thoughts on “Make Life an Adventure: Travel and Let Life In!”

  1. It has always been a dream of my to travel to New Zealand and explore. I would love to try the Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll Coffee and the Gloria Jean’s Mudslide Coffee.

  2. I really want to go to the Galapagos Islands and I would just record my shows at home and not worry about phones. I would just enjoy the outdoors and all the wild life there. Just unplug from every day life.

  3. What a fantastic adventure you and your husband lived together! Before we had kids, my husband and I talked of going on “our” adventure, but it ended up being too costly and we put it off. Now it will have to wait until our kids are grown.

  4. I couldn’t agree more. Our family loves travel so much that our entire website is dedicated to our first-hand travel experiences. We love sharing our journeys and adventures with friends and hope to never stop planning our next stop!


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