Spring Clean Your Kitchen in 10 Easy Steps

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As the weather warms and these beautiful 80 degree days continue to grace us with a light breeze, I find myself throwing open the windows and getting in the mood for spring cleaning. No room in the house is in more dire need of a good spring cleaning than my kitchen! The craziness of the last few months and the amount of time I spend in the kitchen are starting to show. But where to start?! 

clean kitchen

Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen in 10 Steps

1. Start with the Recesses

The area behind the fridge, the gap between my counter and stove, the bottom drawers and door paneling of the refrigerator and the dark recesses of my cupboards are areas where random bits of food, dust and debris love to sneak away. So I first begin my cleaning by pulling out the refrigerator and stove, then emptying the cupboards and drawers. In doing so I like to keep my next tip in mind. 

2. Out with the Old

As I’m going through dishware and spice cupboards, I’m constantly evaluating the contents. With few seasonal exceptions, if I haven’t used it in 6 months then it’s time for it to go! Not only does this cut down on my least favorite household chore (dishes), it also gives me an idea of what I use most and what could stand to be replaced. 

3. The “Other” Surfaces

People tend to think the breakfast bar would be the popular kitchen hangout. Apparently that’s only true if you’re not a dust bunny. They like to gather along my baseboards, ceilings and corners. While grease and food stains claim cabinetry doors and baseboards as their turf. To end the turf wars I take the vacuum to the ceilings, walls, and baseboards. Then I follow up by giving every surface a good scrubbing with a kitchen sponge and a bit of watered down vinegar. It whitens my white areas, naturally cuts through grease and makes my job that much easier. 

4. The Sink

The kitchen sink is one of the primary work horses of the kitchen. While we usually clean regularly after doing dishes, it’s easy to forget it also needs a thorough scrubbing. Fill your sink with hot soapy water and pour in 1/2 cup bleach. Let it stand for about an hour, or while you work on the rest of the kitchen, then empty. Mix a bit of baking soda with water to form a cleaning paste, give the sink a good scrub, then rinse. 

5. Tackle the Countertops 

Using a mixture of antibacterial dish soap and water on a scrubbing sponge combined with a bit of elbow grease is all you really need to get your countertops clean! For particularly stuck on stains, you can research the best methods for cleaning your particular surface as laminate, coriander, and granite may call for different cleaning products. However, you’re generally safe with an all purpose kitchen cleaner – just double check the information on the back of the packaging and make sure to wipe your counters down with soapy water after use. Don’t forget your backsplash!


6. Clean Out The Refrigerator

Remove everything from the refrigerator and give it a good scrubbing. Use a toothbrush on hard to reach areas and any gears or tracks you need to clean. Pull out the drawers and scrub them down as well. Then sort the contents of your refrigerator into like groups. Toss out anything that’s expired and wipe down grimy containers before returning them into the refrigerator. Don’t forget to check any water filters and ice makers!

7. The Appliances

It’s time to hit the appliances. Clean every surface from the inside of the oven to the microwave. Make sure to use an appropriate cleaner for each appliance to avoid a smoking oven or toaster fiasco later on. You can try kitchen cleaners or experiment with all-natural cleaning solutions made using combinations of baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. For instance, with a bit of water and baking soda you can make a paste to fight tough oven stains. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and it helps brighten whites and it’s also a great all purpose cleaner. Lastly, a toothbrush is a great way to scrub away tough stuck on stains or grime without harming a surface. 

8. Run The Dishwasher on Empty

Running an empty dishwasher is a great way to get it clean. You can also add a bit of baking soda to the empty dishwasher before running it to get rid of any grime. Be sure to clean out the food trap too!

9. Sweep and Mop the Floors

By now my floors generally look and feel disgusting thanks to all the debris knocked down by cleaning everywhere else. So I like to finish the kitchen by giving them a good sweep followed by a steam clean.

10. In with the New

Over the course of my spring cleaning it quickly become apparent which appliances have seen better days and could use a replacement. Luckily, spring is also the time when some of my favorite brands, like KitchenAid, are rolling out their new appliances in stores like Best Buy or Pacific Kitchen and Home. They actually just announced a new drool worthy line of cooking and refrigeration appliances that make me want to give my kitchen a complete refresh. 


A few my favorites include gorgeous new Slide-in Ranges with Steam Rack and Steam Bake cooking options. They even offer baking drawers to keep dishes warm, slow book or just bake at different temperatures – perfect for holidays and entertaining, two things we love around here. The New French Door Refrigeration Configuration has a whopping 5 doors to keep your fridge organized and flexible, something I think we can all appreciate after finishing up a round of spring cleaning. It also boasts soft close pantry drawers (no slamming!), crispers and a platinum interior with under shelf lighting.

Currently you can take advantage of special spring savings at Best Buy including 18 months major appliance financing or 5% rewards AND free delivery on purchases of $399 or more. 

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

16 thoughts on “Spring Clean Your Kitchen in 10 Easy Steps”

  1. Great tips! I love spring cleaning but my kitchen is the least favorite place in my whole house for me…. I am not a fan of kitchen cleaning but I do it …. with protest!

  2. I finally got around to starting my spring cleaning, but I haven’t finished cleaning my kitchen yet. This list is just the boost I needed to go ahead and get it all done.

  3. Keeping the kitchen clean is something I work on every day. I wipe down the counters every single day to keep them in top shape. I do have to go through the contents of my refrigerator, because it’s in need of a clean-up.

  4. Great tips! I actually LOVE spring cleaning and cleaning the kitchen is no expectation. Removing everything from the refrigerator and giving it a good scrubbing is probably my least favorite task but it really makes all the difference.

  5. I use bleach and hot, sudsy water to clean my sinks, too. I have a thing about clean sinks. These are all great cleaning tips.


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