Ways to Praise a Child for Their Achievements

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Praising your children is an integral part of parenting. However, sometimes parents tend to focus on their kids’ shortcomings rather than their successes.

Children need encouragement to be successful. Encouragement helps them develop self-confidence, discipline, and concentration. It also helps them learn how to cope with failure.

When we encourage our children they will have more confidence when facing challenges such as school assignments, sports team practices, dates, job interviews, etc.

ways to praise a child

In addition, it encourages them to do better because they know someone cares about them.

We should always keep this fact in mind: “Encourage those around you.”  

If you want to encourage your child to achieve more, try praising him for his positive traits instead of focusing on his flaws. 

Here are some ways to praise a child for their achievements.

59 Ways to Praise Your Child

Be specific about what he has done well. Instead of saying “You’re so smart!” or “Good job!,” tell him exactly why it was a good thing that he did. For example: “I like how you used the spoon correctly.” Or “It’s great that you worked hard at cleaning up all those toys!”

Focus on effort over outcome. Don’t compare your kid with others in terms of grades or accomplishments because this will only put pressure on him to perform better. Tell him how proud you are of him even if he doesn’t get straight A’s or win every race.

Use encouraging language when talking about success. Saying things such as “That was really nice” or “Wow, I’m impressed by how much you accomplished today,” can help motivate your child. For more examples, here are 83 Words of Encouragement for Kids.

Give credit where credit is due. If your child does something right, let him know. He’ll learn from these experiences and be motivated to do more next time around.

Offer encouragement after each task. This way, your child won’t forget about his efforts.

Say “thank you” often. Your child will appreciate hearing kind compliments and knowing that he has made progress.

Make sure your actions match your words. When praising your child, don’t just say nice things; act like they’re true.

Give rewards for effort but not results.

Remember that no matter how many times your child tries, there’s always room for improvement.

Avoid negative comments. Negative remarks may seem harmless now, but they could have long lasting effects later.

Let your child know that he’s doing a fantastic job.

Keep track of his accomplishments through journals, charts, reward charts, etc.

Ask yourself whether your statements sound genuine. You might find it helpful to read books on effective communication techniques before trying out new methods.

Talk to other people who’ve been successful in life. They can share valuable insights into making your child feel important.

Read motivational quotes aloud to inspire your child.

Create a daily routine that includes regular praises.

Find opportunities to compliment your child both inside and outside the home.

Get involved in activities together.

Watch videos or listen to music while praising your child.

Set realistic expectations.

Choose appropriate goals.

Help your child understand that she deserves recognition for her work.

Model positivity towards your child.

Celebrate small victories along with big ones.

Support your child’s dreams.

Provide opportunities for socialization and independence.

Make learning fun.

Teach skills necessary for future success.

Take note of your own behavior. Are you too critical? Do you offer praise sparingly?

Share your stories.

woman painting with young child

Allow your child to experience failure without feeling bad.

Be specific. Praise what your child did well rather than generalities.

Know your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

Reward your child for good behaviors.

Look at the bigger picture.

Focus on positive aspects of your child’s character instead of his shortcomings.

Recognize your child’s hard work.

Show appreciation for all types of achievement.

Give your child easy opportunities for success like arts and crafts projects

Praise your child for being themselves.

Treat your children equally.

Respect their privacy.

Learn from the past so you can avoid mistakes.

Honor differences between individuals.

Accept responsibility for your role in helping your kids succeed.

Never criticize your child publicly.

Understand that your child needs support, not criticism.

Stop comparing your child with others.

Listen carefully to your child’s feelings.

Value honesty and integrity.

Remind your child that he is special.

Speak positively about your family.

Love unconditionally.

Have faith in your ability to influence your child.

Always follow up on promises.

Seek advice from parents whose children excel academically.

Try to see the best in everyone.

Believe in your child’s potential.

Be patient.

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