Literary Vacation Destinations: Travel for Book Lovers

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Many authors are inspiration by real people and places so why not meld your love of literature with your vacation? We have some great travel for book lovers inspiration to get you started.

Whether you are a student studying for their online masters in liberal studies degree, or a voracious bookworm, you may be interested in all kinds of different subject areas such as history, art, music, and of course, literature.

travel for book lovers

While each of these avenues probably appeals to you on some level, for those who are most passionate about literature it can be a fun experience to tie your vacation in with your studies. 

Here’s a look at some of the best vacation destinations out there for students who are studying literature through an online MALS program at a top-notch school such as Rutgers Online or those who just love reading!

The Great Gatsby Experience

The Great Gatsby is a highly popular novel not just for literary students but for people all around the world. The novel takes place in New York City, which is great for those who can’t afford to travel far or for long.

You can get away for an NYC weekend, where you should definitely take in the Plaza Hotel where Tom actually confronts Gatsby and declares his love for Daisy.

travel for book lovers

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is easily the most well-known love story there is, and what better way to appreciate it than by visiting Casa De Giulietta, which is Juliet’s house in Verona, Italy. Here you’ll see the balcony where Juliet stood as Romeo expressed his undying love for her.

What’s great about this destination is that you can create a full Italian vacation itinerary and really take in the lovely countryside. It’s an amazing experience.

travel for book lovers

London, England – the Home of So Many Literary Greats

If you’re looking to take in a variety of literary greats, then London, England should be a must-visit. There are all kinds of literary tours available all you have to do is pick which one(s) appeal to you most.

Step into the world of Harry Potter, James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, Dickens, or even Shakespeare. London truly holds the key to so many incredible stories, which will seem that much more amazing when you see the landmarks in real life.

travel for book lovers

Explore the Darker Side of Literature

St. Petersburg, Russia is perfect for those who would rather explore the dark side of literature. You can take part in tours and visit monuments dedicated to Aleksandr Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and even follow the route of the murderous Raskolnikov in the famed Crime and Punishment novel.

travel for book lovers

The Elephant House

Here’s a chance to appreciate more modern-day literature with The Elephant House found in Edinburgh, Scotland. This particular location is a landmark since it is where J.K. Rowling wrote the majority of the Harry Potter series.

As you stroll through Edinburgh you’ll start to get a feel of Hogwarts and understand where Rowling drew her inspiration from.

travel for book lovers

By checking out these noteworthy destinations you’ll be able to bring the pages of your favorite novels and authors to life, giving you a whole new appreciation of how the book was penned and the storylines themselves. 

15 thoughts on “Literary Vacation Destinations: Travel for Book Lovers”

  1. You’ve listed some amazing books. Some of my favorites I was glad teachers had me read when I was younger so I can truly appreciate them now that I’m older.

  2. That’s really lovely. Thanks for the list! I love reading romance novels and I’d love to see the actual places. It would be so amazing!

  3. It would be nice to see these destinations! I just love the idea of being able to visit places that you would usually read about in novels.


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