These Specific Healthy Habits Can Improve Your Health

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Most people entertain the misconception that only healthy people benefit from healthy habits. They argue that it’s hard to eat healthily and exercise regularly when you’re suffering from an illness. While this argument may appear reasonable, it doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.  

Many of us can benefit from updating a few of our unhealthy habits to help improve our overall health. Even if you don’t have a specific unhealthy issue or condition which requires a specific meal plan, applying some of these tips below can help you feel better. 

Healthy Habits for Diabetics 

If you’re diabetic you’ve likely had to adjust your diet and may even follow a specific diabetic weight loss plan. These plans can help anyone eat the right balance of calories, carbohydrates, and essential macro- and micronutrients. Tne key is learning what you can eat and when to help you normalize your blood sugar levels. This is a great habit for everyone as no one likes the post sugar slump. 

Healthy Habits to Avoid Microsleep 

Microsleep is taking a small nap in the middle of an activity. For instance, if you’re working on your computer and close your eyes, you might fall asleep for a moment. This interval is so small that you’re not even aware that you slept at all.  

black framed eyeglasses on blue bedsheet sleep bed

However, if it happens regularly, then you will fall asleep at odd times throughout the day. This can be dangerous if you’re driving a car or doing something else that requires that you stay alert and aware.

Microsleep occurs because your body is struggling with sleep deprivation and the longer you deny it the rest that it needs, the more you are likely to experience recurring episodes of microsleep. 

The solution to falling asleep at random times throughout the day is simple—find out why you’re not getting enough sleep at night and correct it to restore your energy. When you give your brain the rest that it craves, you won’t fall unconscious when you’re doing something sedentary, boring, or repetitive.  

Healthy Habits to Reduce Backaches 

Back pain is a complicated problem because it’s difficult to determine the cause. However, rather than just taking medications to get pain relief, practice some daily health habits, too. They will relieve pressure and strain, protect your spine, and help you build stronger back, hip, and thigh muscles. 

To relieve backaches, try sleeping with a pillow tucked between your knees, do core-building exercises, stretching exercises, and wear low-heeled shoes.  

You should also increase nutrients like Vitamin D and calcium to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a problem that becomes more common as you get older. Besides taking vitamin and mineral supplements, eat foods rich in calcium like leafy green vegetables and yogurt and foods rich in vitamin D like eggs (egg yolks are rich in this vitamin) and cheese. 

poached egg with vegetables and tomatoes on blue plate

Poor posture aggravates back problems. So, avoid hunching your shoulders and leaning forward when you’re working in front of your computer. Straighten up when you are standing or walking, and avoid standing in one place for too long. 

Finally, refrain from doing things that aggravate your condition. For instance, smoking cigarettes reduces blood flow to spinal disks, causing them to dry out and rupture. Another common problem is frequently carrying a heavy load, like grocery bags, business briefcases, or bulky laptop bags.  

It’s difficult to change poor habits that aggravate your health condition, but it’s possible. The secret is to start small. For instance, you might not have enough strength to do more than a few repetitions of a core exercise to reduce your back pain, but if you do what you can regularly, then you’ll be able to build your strength.