(Almost) Forty and Flabby: Not the Path I Had Planned!

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Have you seen the new show about plastic surgery called Botched? While I usually don’t watch much TV, I will admit I may have seen an episode or two of this and I am in awe of some of the surgeries gone wrong or the people that decide cut rate surgery in Tijuana is a perfectly acceptable. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely entertained the idea of plastic surgery many times, especially now that it’s been nearly 6 years since having my son. Even though I have a perfectly normal BMI, I’m incredibly self conscious about my body shape. 

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I wouldn’t ever call myself overweight, but if you’ve every wondered what the term Skinny Fat Girl refers to, it’s me, and I’m blaming it on pregnancy and age. I was never a gym rat and I always ate whatever I wanted, yet still maintained a great figure. Six years ago I was 105 pounds when I became pregnant, and while weight doesn’t really mean all that much (its how you carry it!), you do need to know that I gained 43 lbs during my 9 months of gestation. That’s nearly half my body weight and size!

Did you know that while your body can create new fat cells when you gain weight, but that when you lose it, those fat cells simply shrink. Congrats, they are now with you forever! This is why it’s so easy to gain size/fat/weight back afterwards, creating the all too common yo-yo effect.

I was lucky to avoid the dreaded stretch marks, but instead am faced with all those lovely new fat cells plus being on the older side, also a lack of elasticity. Thanks to my new fat cell groupies, I tend to gain size simply by looking at a donut! Having a smaller body frame, I have less room to spread it out and can often go up 1-3 sizes in just a week or two! I’m thin and petite, but have these odd rolls, back fat, flab and cellulite patches. I have begun to wonder if my flabby stomach will ever be as flat as it was once upon a time or if the increasing bat wings on my upper arms will ever go away.

So I found myself pondering the options available to me that will help me return to some familiar shape of my former self without an all-out tummy tuck or liposuction. I have this stubborn layer of fat on my stomach that refuses to go away no matter how much diet and exercise I do. Ok, so maybe I don’t exercise as much as I could, but I do watch what I eat. There has to be a happy medium between invasive procedures and hours of work outs that just won’t tighten that last little bit of skin or get rid of the cellulite residing in places I never dreamed it would. Right? It’s to the point where I have avoided having to put on a bathing suit this summer and have missed out on making memories with my family. Not something I want to make a habit of!

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This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and UltraShape blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.

In my search, I found a new technique that appears to be a possible answer. UltraShape is the latest in non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that uses ultrasound to eliminate fat and reduce body circumference. While this treatment has been recently introduced in the U.S., hundreds of thousands of patients have already been treated in over 50 countries. Now that it’s been cleared by the FDA for abdominal circumference reduction people have been buzzing about it! 

How Ultrashape Works

UltraShape works by emitting acoustic waves of ultrasound energy. This energy targets only subcutaneous fat at a controlled depth, destroying the fat cells instantly. When the cells are destroyed it releases the fat in the form of triglycerides. The triglycerides are then processed through the liver and eliminated from the body naturally. The surrounding tissue, nerves, and muscle are left unharmed. Since there is minimal heat generated, the treatment is comfortable and not painful and it’s completely non-invasive which means NO surgery, injections, or incisions. 

Together you and your physician will determine the treatment area. Generally Ultrashape treatments focus on the abdomen, thighs, and flanks. Then a gel will be applied onto your skin and a specially designed belt will be wrapped around your abdomen. Lastly, a trained UltraShape technician will glide the UltraShape transducer over the treatment area, gently delivering painless ultrasound pulses. Many patients describe it as a tingling sensation. Most treatments take about an hour or less.

The Results 

Clinical results have shown that after three treatments, patients see an average of a 4 cm reduction in circumference. Three treatments are recommended to achieve maximum results. Since the body naturally clears the broken-down fat cells it takes about 2-4 weeks to see results in circumference and fat thickness with maximum results about 28 days after the final treatment. Similar to liposuction, as long as patients maintain their weight with a healthy diet and exercise, the results are expected to be long lasting.

Is It For You? 

The ideal UltraShape candidate is male or female with a BMI of 30 or less and can pinch an inch or so of fat around their middle. Use the BMI Evaluator to see if you qualify. Then speak to a physician to see if UltraShape is right for you. Depending on your BMI, UltraShape is a great liposuction alternative.

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As you can see, I look pretty much exactly like I did when I was 5 months pregnant, so I am keenly interested in seeing if this procedure is just what I’m been looking for, and I am happy to report that I have partnered with a physician near me to complete a series of 3 treatments on my problem stomach area. YAY! 

[infobox]Luckily I still have 8 weeks to change my headline from “Forty and Flabby” to “Forty and Fabulous!”[/infobox]

so stay tuned as I share my #UltraYou UltraShape experience in a 4 part series!

After my first session I’ll give you an idea of the process and what the procedure feels like, how I’m doing my part to ensure success along with updated stats and numbers. Since measurable, visible results are usually seen about 2 weeks after the first treatment, I’ll also check in close to or just after my second treatment. Then as a grand finale, we’ll get a look at my own before and after photos (YIKES!) after my 3rd and final treatment, along with pros and cons I experienced and my overall thoughts and conclusion on the question I’m sure everyone wants answered, “Does UltraShape really work?” 

This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and UltraShape blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.

23 thoughts on “(Almost) Forty and Flabby: Not the Path I Had Planned!”

  1. I can’t wait to see your before and afters. I’ve never heard of this, but I would camp outside for a chance to try it.

  2. We all have some pounds to lose. I hope you get the results you want. You don’t have much changing to do, you look great

  3. Getting older has all sorts of changes and challenges. I have found a better swimsuit and just try to accept the new me that came after turning 40. Good luck to you and I hope you find the look you are wanting.


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