How Can I Be Happy Traveling Alone?

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There’s something about being a solo traveler that just hits you in the best possible way, allowing you to make the most of wherever your whims may take you.

You can see the sights across the globe, at your own pace, without worrying about being slowed down (or slowing anyone else down!) during your trip.

However, while backpacking across the Spanish countryside or spending a few weeks lounging in a gorgeous Italian coastal town can be an incredible experience, it can also start to get a little bit lonely, too.

Fortunately, you’re going to be making so many fantastic memories during your trip, and taking so many stunning pictures while you’re there, that you may not even have time to dwell on the fact that you’re all by yourself.

Nevertheless, if you’re starting to crave companionship while you’re in a new city — or even a whole other country! — there are a few things you can do to help take the edge off that emptiness.

Next time you’re on an amazing excursion, why not try one of these five things?

Join a Day Tour Group

One of the best things about traveling by yourself is you can set the itinerary and do only things that you want to do.

That said, it’s totally fine and normal to want to see a friendly face while on a solo vacation.

jeana jumping off boat in ocean

If your travels have you wanting to connect with other people, why not look into local day tour groups?

You’ll be able to experience the unique awe that comes from sharing it with others, and who knows? You might even make a friend or two on the tour, too.

Treat Yourself a Little (Or a Lot!)

When you’re a solo traveler, you don’t have to worry about trying to pick up souvenirs for everyone while you’re on your trip.

Even better, when you aren’t on a family vacation there’s no kids tugging on your shirtsleeve, either, saying “Mo-oom, can you buy me this?”

That extra wiggle room in your budget leaves you open to being able to treat yourself on your trip.

Whether that means a fun trinket in a new city, or a spa day in a resort town, feel free to do whatever it takes to reignite your love of traveling.

Find Ways to Enrich Your Mind

There’s something idyllic and wonderful about finding a secluded beach and letting yourself bask underneath the sunshine, but over time, it can start to feel a little bit dull or tedious.

Sure, there’s nothing wrong with shutting off your mind and setting your cares adrift while relaxing, but taking the time to learn new things while on your journeys can be ever so much more rewarding.

Brooklyn love locks
Brooklyn Bridge love locks

Explore a museum that you’ve never been to before, or take a class in a new city — the choice is yours, and you’ll forget your loneliness in no time!

I love searching for love locks in all the destinations I visit. It seems like you can find them just about everywhere nowadays and they always make me smile.

Bring Along Mementos

Sometimes, having a little bit of something from home to remind you of your roots can be exactly what you need to banish the loneliness to the furthest reaches of your mind.

Having a special trinket in your pocket to reach for when you feel lonely, or even a teddy bear or a cozy blanket from your home, can help you feel more comforted when you start to wonder why you even embarked on this trip in the first place.

happy girl twirling

The familiar texture, scents, and sights can also help you feel more connected, too.

If you find yourself getting lonely during your travels, please be kind to yourself. It’s important to remember that this is not a character flaw and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you.

Just because you wanted to be alone doesn’t mean that being lonely is bad or abnormal.

However, by following these four tips, you can help ensure that the next time you’re a thousand miles away from home, you’re still part of that huge, interconnected network of fellow human beings who also sometimes feel the exact same way as you also occasionally do.

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